God’s Favour

“Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favour and approval…So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.” – Esther 2:17 (NIV)

Esther had the favour of God all over her, even though she was an orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai. Godly values and humility were clearly taught to her to go along with her beauty. While this account never mentioned God by name. God’s hands of protection can be detected, in the timing and a combination of events, as they unfold throughout the Book.  

Esther’s background should have disqualified her from the position she eventually had bestowed upon her by none other than the king. Indeed she was beautiful and marvellous to look upon, but her willingness to obey and God’s unmerited favour gave her access to the kingdom and its subjects. Sometimes God uses the radiance on your outside to put you in a position so that you can become bold and useful to His kingdom. My sister, you got that job because you can become a bold witness for Christ. 

Once you have been through that test to become a bold witness for Christ, God can rearrange any situation so you can become the next queen. Do you know that many of us are not qualified for the things we have in our lives? The house we own, the job we have, the loan from the bank, the car we drive, etc. But it is by God’s favour over our lives that we succeed. Favour is when God is leaning in your direction. You don’t qualify for it, but when God says “yes”, it’s a done deal. When the favour of God is upon your life, He will prepare a table for you in the presence of your enemy. 

Esther didn’t get there by herself. It was with the help of her cousin, Mordecai. Mordecai saw something in her that she didn’t see in herself. Sometimes we only see our earthly situation, and we call it a mess, but there are ‘Mordecais’ who see our gifts and the potential in us. Connect to your Mordecai and walk into your favour today. 

Remember, God sees the good in us. Be quiet like Esther and ask for only what is required. You will be elevated according to your faith. Be blessed and encouraged.

Read: Genesis 18:3; Psalm 5:12

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 56; John 4:27-42; Judges 2:6-23; Judges 3

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